Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lady Gaga Leather Jacket

CALENDAR 2010 CCOO visit Martínez facilities Loriente

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rb-539 Memory Card Reader Drver

Join the Campaign: DEMAND DECENT DAY

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gay Sauna Amman Jordan Amman

600 people demonstrate in Valencia against discrimination

-->Alrededor de 600 manifestantes recorrieron ayer las calles del centro de Valencia, hasta concentrarse ante la sede de ASAJA (Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores). Esta manifestación se enmarca en la campaña de movilizaciones.

El Gobierno central continúa sin hacer efectiva la plena integración del REASS en el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social, a pesar del compromiso que adoptó con los agentes sociales en 2006. El mantenimiento del REASS supone una discriminación histórica que no tiene comparación con ningún otro país.

Este incumplimiento ha obligado a a salir de nuevo a la calle, con la convocatoria de movilizaciones que se celebrarán ante las sedes ASAJA, employers that has been characterized by an attitude of closure to the integration of REASS. ->

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Indian Women In Saree Showing Boobs

REASS leave has been extended one month paternity leave, but will not apply until 2011

CCOO criticizes the Act to be extended to four weeks paternity leave, which is now thirteen days for the majority of cases, does not come into force till h the January 1, 2011, and considering that most legislators took the time to legislate the extension of a right can be exercised only after the passage of a long period of time (legislated today, with the corresponding media coverage, so that the law comes into force in a long morning.)

To promote reconciliation of work, family and social, Law 9 / 2009, amending Article 48 bis of the Statute of Workers, on the abolition of the employment contract for four continuous weeks paternity at birth, foster care or adoption, be extended in two days for each birth after the second, regardless of the enjoyment shared by the parents of maternity leave. In the case of delivery, the right belongs exclusively to one parent and in cases of adoption or fostering may be simultaneous. This right of suspension of the contract may be exercised in full or part-time basis with a minimum of half the day.
Por otra parte
also amending the Public Role of Law, Law 30/1984, extendiendo this right of the four weeks to the officials públicos.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Farmville Unblock New Feed


The image of the CCOO PV campaign against the crisis in the main city bus travel in Valencia.

During the week of decent work, the five al'onze October, the information campaign launched by the Workers' Commissions Valencia crisis cure: decent work will require "Transported" in the back and side panels of five buses when buses were inserted campaign posters belonging to lines 2, 7, 9, 16 and 81 of the Metropolitan Transport Company and cross Valencia city throughout the day.

Hundreds of delegates CCOO PV overflow assemblies of the second World Day for DecentCentenars of Labour delegates CCOO PV overflow assemblies of the second World Day for Decent Work

articles of opinion :

Cheaper dismissal as a cover

Not long ago, a hundred cases of labor market experts launched a decalogue of measures to get us out of the crisis. A crisis that, as they themselves pointed, did not have its origin in the labor market, giving them the same, since its proposal was intended to act precisely on it. There is a popular saying that clearly reflects the essence of this way of structuring thought, and that is to say "that's like if you itch you scratch your head and heels."

again emphasizes blame the current situation the weakest in the social fabric by reducing their right to decent, stable and guaranteed. Moreover, the approach is doubly cynical, proposing to achieve this by way of cheapening the cost of unfair dismissal, which determines the level of protection for workers against arbitrary decisions of the employer to put it out on the street. The unjust measure proposed would apply only to workers who regulate their working conditions through their collective agreements or the status of workers, where they rarely get better statutory compensation for unfair dismissal. Paradoxically, those who defend lowering the need for this often shield their own labor contracts with much higher compensation to which they are intended to reduce.

Highlight major fires in Spain. The dismissal for misconduct, ie, when an employer dismisses an employee for failing to comply with the obligations arising from his employment contract has no cost. If an employer fired for improper performance of the employee, the cost to the employer is zero euros.

individual or collective dismissal for objective reasons, reasons that it is due to technical, organizational, economic or production, and the employer is doomed because it can prove that there are economic problems, including child benefit, or organizational changes that improve the situation of the company and its competitiveness, or if there is introduction of new technical processes, etc.., has a cost to the employer of 20 days' wages per year worked, capped salary of an annuity. In companies with fewer than 25 employees that cost is reduced to only 12 days, since the rest is assumed by the Wage Guarantee Fund.

The unfair dismissal, ie dismissal capricious, when an employer is unable to prove to a judge, taking into account the constitutional right to work on one hand and the protection effective judicial or other "before the authorities in the case of collective redundancies, the need to write a job, or an infringement of the employee may be grounds for dismissal comes at a cost of 45 days salary per year worked , with a maximum of 42 months. We can not forget that this cost exists only if the employer, as usual, decides to pursue its claim for worker's disregard, even though a judge has determined that there is no reason to terminate the contract. If there is no breach of contract by the worker, and there is no economic, technical, organizational or production, why does he insist an employer to pay for firing the worker or workers?. What should an employer's ban could dismiss an employee without cause, because in the background, allowing unfair dismissal compensation, what we are really doing is putting a price on the injustice and, in many cases, attacking fundamental rights.

What famous seeks single contract then? On the one hand the lowering of the cost of dismissal, but mainly to increase the feeling of insecurity among workers. Anyone knows that his right to work is protected by the cost that the employer is getting rid of him, and that if low cost, its security as well, making you more vulnerable and submissive. That is the real intention behind this proposal to prevent the arbitrary and capricious decisions of employers are subject to judicial control. This is a direct attack on democracy in enterprises where the conduct of the above do not require justification and below is limited to obeying beyond what is ethically acceptable and, until now, legally established. So, what is sought by cheapening the cost of dismissal?, Is the creation of more jobs?, That is absurd as it would only makes it easier to destroy the stable employment even more expensive.

is said that if the dismissal was cheaper not to be resorted to both the timing, but if the idea is to abuse this type of contract, the problem is quite different because the Workers' Statute is clear in choosing on permanent contracts and permitting, where there are reasons that justify the use of temporary contracts. In Spain the main reason for the rapid destruction of employment remains temporary contracts. If employers rely on job insecurity, whether good cause exists or not, what needs to be addressed is the need to create mechanisms to correct this course of action, because it violates both the spirit and the letter of the law. Lower the cost of dismissal would not only be unfair, but reward the failure of the rule rather than pursue it. Therefore, the road to avoid the abuse of temporary contracts, which is directly responsible for maintaining a high segmentation of our market and represents one of the main brake to change the production model, involves improving the control mechanisms, both in the registration of contracts SPEE (Public Employment Service) or SERVEF in the País Valencià, and improve the provision, the Inspectorate of Labour and Social Security.

Again the saviors of the country are committed to measures that have nothing to do with the general interest, they say we need to change the production model and prescribe more precarious and cheaper labor, disposable, so that countries are moving away from of our environment. A change in the production model involves more commitment from all jobs with higher added value, commitment to training, R & D + i, productive sectors and service quality, and there has not been reached by that shortcut, which leads to another cliff. Ignore them would let go once again, an opportunity to start doing things differently, you can not build a society of the twenty-first century on a labor market nineteenth century, who try, not going to allow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is It Normal To Be A Furry

The sun and heat during the holidays

The delicate skin of babies is particularly prone to burns from the sun. Therefore, they should be exposed to the sun gradually. At first, there must be more than five or ten minutes.

then protect them with an umbrella, to be placed in a cool, breezy. The older kids will not take the sun for more than half an hour daily. They are then covered with a hat and a cotton shirt.

When a child has suffered a "heat stroke or heat stroke due to severe dilation of the capillaries of the skin, has a bloated appearance. Fluid loss by transpiration determines a more or less severe dehydration and is not uncommon for the victim high fever, headache, dizziness, vertigo, nausea and vomiting.

Caring sun and heat during the holidays

If your son were in this situation, you must act quickly and decisively. Above all, do not hesitate to give a cold water bath to help you lower the temperature. Then put her down in a cool room.

air conditioning or a fan favor cutaneous evaporation of sweat, which will help to cool. To replace fluid losses and salts, offer plenty of juices and mineral water.

Kristina Aguilera Boobs

vitamins for children

When in full growth period, children should receive fresh food that will ensure a complete vitamin contents. Not always the lack of vitamins produced easily diagnosed diseases, such as scurvy or rickets.

Sometimes, many children, apparently healthy, suffer from vitamin deficiencies that fail to manifest clinically, but debilitating health.

For that kids can really enjoy the properties of fruits and vegetables is reliant on repeat, those who are themselves of each season. At the time of purchase is necessary to take into account that not always the size and color are a good indication of nutritional value. So what is to choose products that look fresh, with the brightness and color of each class. The ftura skin should be clean and healthy.

The claim that vitamins are found in the skin is a myth that must be banished. It is better to eat peeled fruit, since the consumption of the skin may present a risk of ingesting chemicals with it the type of pesticides. As well pass through many hands, you should wash them thoroughly before peeling.

For fruits and vegetables that you eat little people retain all the vitamins, we should not buy more than they can consume in two or three days. While the cold does not affect nutritional value, the heat decreases. Whenever possible, children should eat two or three pieces a day. To meet the needs of vitamin C, one must belong to the citrus.

are the best vitamins for children

vitamins will keep better if you eat fresh fruit. In the case of preparing as Macedonian, that is kept in optimal conditions, it should add a little lemon juice. It should be noted that, although both dried fruits, dried figs, raisins and apricots, as dates are a good source of minerals and sugar, lose much of the vitamins.

Many children-especially if they are at the foot of the fruit, are very fond of eating green fruit. While still not mature enough, the fruit contains large amounts of cellulose, a type of fiber is poorly digested and can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and other digestive disorders.

A good way to offer fruit to the kids-as long as it serves freshly prepared, is in the form of milk or yogurt smoothies. It is also very well accompanying jellies and various types of cakes.

the vegetables to retain their vitamin value, whenever possible they should be cooked with the skin. If the boil, it should be put in a pan with very little water and, if possible, they are steaming. It is also recommended cut into chunks, so that decreases the contact surface with water.

Almost all vegetables can be eaten raw in salads prepared. This will consevan all the vitamins and minerals. To improve its nutritional value they can add yogurt or cheese cut into cubes that provide calcium and vitamins A and D. Garnish are an ideal complement to accompany different types of meat and fish.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Masterbation Question

Water is the essential ingredient of a good summer. Sea water, river, swamp and up the icy water we drink every time. Water benefits us inside and out. EI

80% of the human body is water. In summer, the weather threatens this unstable equilibrium by the orga ¬ nism need to maintain constant body temperature. The extra calories are excreted through sweat and it evaporates liquids and minerals.

Dehydration threat to all the child because their skin surface is larger in relation to weight, and concentration of water in your body is greater than in adults. You have to provide water to the baby often. The big boy and will ask for it with impatience property of their few years.

Nothing like water to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. It is common on the coasts, the water is hard: it has more calcium, magnesium and iron. Its flavor is disgusting and leaves rough skin. It is more indigestible than soft water, so it is advisable to drink and prepare the small bottle of bottled water.

An adult must replace at least one liter of liquid day. Mainly water but also milk, juices, vegetables, ice tea, etc. All with little salt or sugar, in order to avoid laying down body fat. As for alcoholic beverages and soft drinks provide fluids, but too many calories, so it should be controlled absorption.

Benefits of water on the body

move in the water provides a pleasant freshness and massage. Feel the caress of water on your body feel good. Furthermore, in the aquatic environment are lighter. We move more easily, since the weight of our body is ten times lower than on land. This invited to go swimming and other water sports like diving or spearfishing.

Waves tone and firm skin tissues. Provide equal benefits stream of the pool or shower at home, alternating hot and cold water in parts of the body where they accumulate fat and cellulite, hips, abdomen and thighs and breasts. To complete fitness, nothing beats a long walk to the ocean. This innocent exercise ankles refines and extends the leg muscles.