Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ok To Drink Beer With Mdma

attention problems Hyperactivity

When 6 or more symptoms recur in a child for about six months, you can think of a hyperactive child or an attention deficit:


■ No details or perceived mistakes in the works for distraction. Does not focus on their tasks.

seems not to hear when someone talks to him.

■ hardly do any business until the end.

■ Do not get organized.

■ It refuses to engage in anything that requires mental effort.

■ Loses things necessary for tasks and daily activities.

■ disperses very easily: any sound or image is taken out of your attention. Live

postponing what to do.

attention problems and hyperactivity in children


■ No to move the hands or feet, or live hip swaying.

■ Do not remain seated for long.

■ Run from side to side in inappropriate situations.

■ Has difficulty staying still.

■ Talks excessively.

■ Responds
before the caller finished the question.

■ Never waits his turn in games.

He usually Interrupting others.


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